From the start of Realize Websites, giving back to the community has been one of our missions. These are just a few of the organization or activities we have been involved with and helped support over the years.
Business Organizations |
Committee Volunteer
Food GatherersRealize Websites, with the Women’s Exchange of Washtenaw, worked at Food Gatherers to package food for the various food banks in Ann Arbor. It was a great opportunity to work with professional women and to help people in need.
SafeHouse Center"Thank you SafeHouse Center for welcoming the WXW - Women's Exchange of Washtenaw into your safe center. We learned a lot about the thousands of people you help each year that are impacted by domestic violence or sexual assault. We also really enjoyed helping you prepare for the holidays through decorating the center and donating items." ~Laurie Kokmeyer
Trees for Dexter -